April 11, 2016

Dear Bill,

4 years ago today you left us for heaven. I hope you knew how much we loved you and will always miss you.

Our family is good and we are going to have a 2nd great-grandchild. Little Ben is graduating from pre-school. We still work at creating his memories of you and he still talks about your mustache. I get to see all of the grandkids a lot and that is awesome. I try never to miss a basketball game because we went to all of them together.

I took a trip last summer and spent a couple months in Australia. I was shaky about that kind of trip without you, but I made it. There were so many things that I wish we could have seen together. I am going to try a trip alone again this summer to see Bill in Idaho and up to Glacier. (I am shaky about that one alone, too!).

Like the last time I posted something on the blog, I don't post often anymore. Just want others to know the love stays. The ache gets better, but the love stays.

Love you sweetheart. Always have, always will.
