March 25, 2012

Dear Dad

Dear Dad,

I enjoyed spending a quiet afternoon with you, even though you slept.  You look so sick right now, and it hurts to see you so miserable.  So when you sleep, it seems like you get a little bit of a break from this disease.
I feel that I blew it this afternoon when you told me that you don’t believe that you have much time. You have tried so hard, throughout this tough journey, to prepare Mom and us kids.  I have so much that I want to say, and yet all I could do is sit there and cry.  

You started out with me as a 19 year old, still a kid really, and yet I believe that you were older than your years in maturity.  You loved me and protected me and took care of me.  I had everything I needed, and had a really great childhood.  You didn’t spoil me, and yet I knew that you were the softie that would buy the toys at the circus.  You never set curfews, yet I knew the limits. You might’ve said that it was “13 miles” when I asked to go to a school or social function, yet you smiled and handed me money for gas and my car headed down the highway over and over.  Those hot days picking up bales were good for me.  I don’t ever remember you spanking me, yet as stubborn as I was, you probably did?   And I am pretty sure where I got that stubbornness from.
You were not always a regular church going man, but Bill, Erin and I always knew that you have a deep faith in our Lord.  You and Mom raised us to absolutely believe.

You and Mom showed us real love, real marriage.   

You treat people right, and live by the Golden Rule.  And we learned from that.  Your word meant something to you.  And we learned from that. 

You raised me to be able to work hard, respect my elders, to know that when it’s all said and done, family is what matters.  You took one look at each of my babies and instantly loved them as much as you loved me. I cannot put into words what that means to me.  Your time and influence has had a significant impact on each of my kids.  And they worship you.

Thank you, Dad.  I love you.  I have been so blessed and honored to be your daughter.   And I love it that I got your stubborn streak.    

1 comment:

  1. Making me cry, Lynette. You have an amazing family! Praying for you all.
